I have definitely not gone into hiding. I have been busy with Flamenco, but I have also been busy with everything that isn't Flamenco.
Wait, what ISN'T Flamenco?!
Well, to start, I co-organized my first Lupus Walk fundraiser along with my sister-in-law and fellow "Lupie", Yasmin. We signed up for the walk only two weeks before it happened, so we decided on a modest fundraising goal of $500 and ended up raising raising more than $1,800 for the Alliance for Lupus Research! I want to use this opportunity to say thank you once again to all of you who donated. It means a lot to us. There is still a lot the medical world does not know about Lupus, which is an auto-immune disease that can attack any organ in the body. No two cases are alike, which makes it difficult to treat.
If you want to know more about our campaign, check out our team page, The Lupie Broads. Our donation pages will stay up until December 31, 2016, so if you'd like to make a donation you can click on either of these two links: Mercedes or Yasmin.
Right after the Walk, I started a new part-time job that comes with dental and vision benefits. I am very grateful for this because Lupus has affected my gums and one of my medications can affect my eyesight. I still pay for my own medical care because the medical plan offered to me as part-timer nowhere meets the needs of a person with chronic illness. What I have gotten is still major progress for me and I am happy.

Check him out at: https://twitter.com/JavierThePT
Besides going to Vegas for the graduation, Tarik and I were also visiting my parents in their new abode. My parents had moved there from Florida just two weeks before! There was a lot to celebrate.

So that's everything else! Now even I understand why I've been away from my blog for so long! I'm tired!
All kidding aside, it has been a beautiful and eventful Spring and I am so grateful for your support and love. It means the world to me and brings me lots of joy. I hope I bring the same joy to you.
* The focus of this blog will continue to be about Flamenco and the creative process. If you would like to know more about my work as an Interfaith Minister, feel free to email me at: [email protected]. Also, stay tuned. I will be launching a website at www.revmercy.com.
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